Hängender Transport von Sitzbezügen
Beispiel: bis zu 40 Sitzbezüge können hängend untergebracht werden.
Discover our innovative product solutions and packaging systems. Find the right container for your requirements.
Our container systems can be tailored to your needs with a wide range of equipment options. Discover now.
The solution for the transport and storage of small stackable containers (VDA) and foam containers (EPP/EPE).
Individual and customised – Numerous types of inner packaging can be integrated into KTP containers.
Up to any challenge –
We develop and produce customised packaging solutions.
Excellent service is a matter of course for us – discover the KTP “all-round carefree package”.
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Home > Case Studies > CASESTUDY #11 – KTP SPECIALISED CONTAINERS: Transport of hanging parts
KTP has made a name for itself in the field of container standardisation. But some goods must be transported with special care or under certain conditions. Specialised containers are no problem for us – on the contrary: our KTP containers can be adapted exactly to your needs by a variety of options.
Our packaging specialists create the packaging concept tailored to your requirements together with you. Benefit from our years of experience in the logistics industry and our in-house expertise in design, production and consulting.
Curious? Here you will find information about a current special container for the transport of hanging parts.
Based on our System 2000 we have developed a special Duo container. Thanks to the well thought-out construction with removable front panel and the metal suspension device, it is possible to transport a maximum of packing parts safe and protected. The Duo return collar additionally secures the “all-in-one” return transport of the containers including the inside packaging.
Beispiel: bis zu 40 Sitzbezüge können hängend untergebracht werden.
Der geöffnete Deckel lässt sich am Ring einhängen.
- Platzersparnis am Einsatzort
- Plus an Ergonomie und Handling
Passgenaue Metallkonstruktion zum Aufhängen der Teile.
Uneingeschränkter Zugriff in das Innere des Behälters.
- Einfache Entnahme von großvolumigem Packgut
- Ergonomisches Handling
Vollgutring und Metallaufhängung werden dank des Duo Leergutring sicher verstaut.
- Kein Verlust einzelner Behälterteile
- Stets vollständiger Behälter im Leer- und Vollgut
Durch den fest mit der Palette verbundenen Duo Leergutring liegt der Deckel verrutschsicher auf.
-Schutz des innenliegenden Rings inkl. Innenverpackung
- Sichere und stabile Stapelung
Further solutions for the hanging transport of, for example textiles, carpets and car parts have already been developed by KTP and are successfully in use today.
Alternative container dimensions and adaptations are also possible. We will be glad to support you with your project and find the perfect solution to your requirements together with you.
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